
County executive trustee induction and training

When a trustee joins the county executive it’s important that they receive a good induction to their new role, to the executive itself and their role within it.


The induction for new trustees will be made up of two parts:

  • A general induction to the role of a trustee – this will be provided by Girlguiding Scotland as an online training session. New trustees will be expected to attend an online training session run by Girlguiding Scotland within the first 6 months of them joining the executive. To find out more about upcoming training dates please email:
  • An induction by the county commissioner covering all the necessary paperwork which must be completed by trustees and giving specific county information which will enable the new trustee to perform their role on the county executive effectively.


For the in-county induction, there are a number of useful documents and templates for you to use below:


If you have any questions regarding trustee induction and training or anything else governance related, please get in touch with the Girlguiding Scotland governance team on