
Waiting List Warriors

Do you need help with tackling waiting lists? Join one of our Waiting List Warriors sessions to get the support you need…

Sessions will run from 7.30-8.30pm on 6 March, 21 March and 30 March On Zoom

Did you know that more than 10,000 girls aged 4+ are missing out on guiding across Scotland? If your unit has a waiting list, join one of our Waiting List Warrior Zoom sessions in March 2023!

These 60 minute sessions will offer practical ideas for tackling waiting lists and explain how Girlguiding Scotland can help!

This is what will be covered: 

  • Taking control of your waiting list – or checking who is really waiting
  • Sharing your waiting list with others – consider having a district level waiting list
  • Engaging waiting girls (and their parents)
  • Ideas for recruiting adults
  • How flexible approaches to guiding could help

How to book

These Waiting List Warrior sessions will run from 7.30-8.30pm on:

  • Monday 6 March 2023
  • Tuesday 21 March 2023
  • Thursday 30 March 2023

Registration for the 6 March session will close on 1 March, registration for the other sessions will be 48 hours before they take place. Your zoom link will be sent by 5pm the day before your chosen session. Please complete this form the secure your spot!

Waiting List Warriors form 2023

Please provide your details below.

If you have any questions please get in touch.

More info

Waiting List Warriors is also the name of our campaign to tackle waiting lists. Whether you have a list of girls missing out or not, here are some other ways you can get involved:

  • Update your unit’s capacity on GO to match the number of girls you can currently offer spaces to (so we understand where we really have spaces)
  • Keep GO up to date throughout the year, so we know how many girls are in each unit (so we can target recruitment campaigns effectively)
  • Look out for opportunities to involve waiting list girls in unit activities
  • Talk to your county membership growth coordinator about support for recruiting more adults to help your unit welcome some of those missing out
  • Let units in your area know that you have a waiting list in case they could offer spaces
  • Give parents the choice to transfer their enquiry to a nearby unit that could offer a space sooner