
Girlguiding Scotland MSYP candidate Hustings

Join our online Hustings and have your chance to get to know this year’s Girlguiding Scotland MSYP candidates

Monday 30 October 6pm – 7pm Online via Zoom

In preparation for the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) Elections in November, Girlguiding Scotland is hosting an online Hustings on Monday 30 October, 6pm – 7pm, as an opportunity for our members aged 12-25 to meet their next potential Members of Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs)!


What is a Hustings?

A Hustings is a meeting between candidates where they present their policies and answer questions from the audience. It will be hosted online to accommodate as many people as possible from across Scotland.

It is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about what the candidates care about, what issues they will take to the Youth Parliament as representatives of Girlguiding Scotland and ask questions directly to them. You can find out more about the candidates and their profiles in advance here.


How to join

To book a place, please fill in the booking form below and add in any questions you have for the candidates. We won’t accept live questions at the event. Parents of members under 18 who would like to join online will also receive an online consent form via email which they must send back in order to join the Hustings.


MSYP Hustings sign up

Please provide your details below.
I am(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY
I understand that if I am under 18 my parents must complete the below questions to sign up for this event.(Required)

Questions for parents of members under 18

If you are under 18 your parents must fill in the questions below.