
Girlguiding Scotland Walking Level 2 Training & Assessment Weekend

5.30pm, Friday 12 April– 3pm, Sunday 14 April 2024 Bonaly Scout Centre, 71 Bonaly Road, Edinburgh, EH13 0PN

Are you ready to get out and about and stretch your legs? We are delighted to let you know that our level 2 walking training and assessment weekend is back for Spring 2024!


When: 5.30pm, Friday 12 April – 3pm, Sunday 14 April 2024
Where: Bonaly Scout Centre, 71 Bonaly Road, Edinburgh, EH13 0PB
Cost: £20 for GGS members, please get in touch if you want to book from outside of Scotland.

Who is it for?

This training is open to all members of Girlguiding aged 18+ who would like to:

  • Extend their walking skills and improve navigation techniques
  • Those with some hill walking experience wanting to learn how to lead Guiding groups safely in the hills
  • Work towards gaining a qualification having done DofE or Queen’s Guide expeditions
  • Move to Level 2 after completing Level 1

To start at Level 2 you should have undertaken six walks in any type of country of which:

  • One should have been at least 6 km or 4 miles
  • Three should have taken place in the last three years
  • Two walks should have been in open country

There is also an assessment course for Level 2 for those who have completed the training and gained the necessary experience. You will be require to submit your log book in advance if you wish to undertake the assessment.

What will the weekend involve?

The training will cover the main topics of the practical and theoretical sessions of the walking scheme, including:

  • Route planning
  • Navigational techniques
  • Group management
  • Hazards and risk assessment
  • Day, micro and low visibility navigation

The course will involve some intense physical activities and being out in all weather conditions.


Accommodation is in bunks, and you will need to bring towels and slippers. No outdoor shoes are allowed inside. You can arrive from 5.30pm on Friday evening, supper will be at 7pm and the course starts at 8pm.

Covid-19 Measures

Please note, you must be willing to follow any Covid-19 measurements put in place to protect all attending.

Additional Information

Once you have booked your place you will receive further information in due course about the training and what to bring. Some outdoor equipment is available to borrow. If you have any particular queries about the course, please email Gillian on

Booking Process

*This event is sold out*

You can book your spot below, and you can pay via BACs or card. You will then receive a confirmation email, followed by a form looking for further information.

  • Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and the event may sell out prior to the deadline
  • If you chose to pay by BACs then payment must be made within 2 weeks
  • The full fee of £20 does not include travel to and from the event, but we will cover up to £35 towards travel costs for Girlguiding Scotland members only and travel costs for Social Walking attendees will not be covered – please share cars where ever you can.