
Get to know our new Development Worker Andrea!

Thanks to funding from Cashback for Communities, a Scottish Government programme which reinvests the proceeds of crime back into communities, our new Development Worker Andrea is getting stuck into her new role!


Andrea will be working closely with volunteers across Scotland to help bring guiding to more girls. Find out what she’s been getting up to, and what she’s got planned for the future…

Q. What made you apply for the role of Development Worker?

A. Girlguiding was a huge part of my childhood, it had such a positive impact on me. I have really fond memories of my time as a young member and I’d like to help give girls the same experience I had.

I’ve also worked on various youth initiatives that offered similar empowering opportunities to young people, including adapting an inclusive jogging programme for children and young people at my previous job. We also introduced mental health sessions and encouraged girls to boost their mental wellbeing with physical activity. This is why I knew I had to apply for this amazing role.

Q. Tell us a bit about what you’ve been getting up to since you started?

A. I’ve been busy getting to know the Girlguiding Scotland staff team and volunteers (virtually of course). This has been a great way for me to find out more about the brilliant work our volunteers have been able to deliver thanks to the Generation Cashback project. Right now I’m putting together a plan on what else can be done so we can continue to bring guiding to more girls throughout the rest of 2021 and beyond.

Q. What’s your favourite thing about your new role?

A. Girlguiding Scotland has such a wonderful energy, we’re very inclusive and want to make sure all girls, no matter who they are, can experience and enjoy guiding. Starting my new role during lockdown has meant I’ve been able to see all the fantastic ways volunteers have adapted and worked hard to keep girls connected and engaged during lockdown – it’s inspiring and impressive.

Q. What are you most excited to do?

A. I am looking forward to supporting units through the Generation Cashback project, whether that’s helping a new Guide or Ranger unit grow or get started. It will be great to see the different ways units use the funding in their area. There’s a lot to get excited about so watch this space and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @ScotDevWorker!

Find out more

Get more information about Generation Cashback and find out if you’re eligible for the Phase 5 Generation Cashback funding. This is for Guide and Ranger units which meet certain postcode criteria, or can demonstrate that their activities support young people impacted by crime, or help divert them from paths that may lead to antisocial behaviour.